Swift Performance is a powerful WordPress cache and performance booster plugin designed to enhance the speed and performance of your website. With this plugin, you can easily eliminate render-blocking assets, which means that your pages will load faster without the need for your visitors to wait for a long time. The innovative, super-fast cache system provided by Swift Performance allows you to cache AJAX and dynamic requests intelligently.
Additionally, this plugin comes with a built-in image optimizer that allows you to losslessly compress your JPEG and PNG images, improving your site’s performance. The plugin also provides support for a CDN, allowing you to specify a hostname for static resources and set up to 3 different hosts for CSS, JS, and media files. Overall, Swift Performance is a great choice for anyone looking to boost their website’s performance and speed.

Core Features of Swift Performance WP Plugin
- Render-blocking asset elimination: The plugin helps eliminate render-blocking assets by minifying and combining the CSS and javascript files, and by creating critical CSS on the fly for your pages.
- Intelligent caching: Swift Performance provides intelligent caching that can cache AJAX requests and dynamic requests, in addition to static ones.
- Image optimizer: The plugin comes with a built-in image optimizer that allows you to losslessly compress your JPEG and PNG images, which can help improve your site’s performance.
- CDN support: Swift Performance provides CDN support, which means you can specify a hostname for static resources and set different hosts for CSS, JS, and media files.
- Lazy load images: You can also enable lazy loading for images, which can speed up the initial page load time by only loading images as they are scrolled into view.
- Font optimization: The plugin includes font optimization options that allow you to remove unused characters and reduce the font file size, resulting in faster page loading times.
- Database optimizer: Swift Performance comes with a database optimizer that helps optimize and clean up your WordPress database to improve performance.
- Preloading: The plugin offers preloading options that allow you to preload pages, posts, and custom post types to reduce server response times and improve performance.
- Analytics integration: Swift Performance integrates with Google Analytics, allowing you to track your site’s performance and get insights into how to improve it.
- Advanced settings: The plugin includes advanced settings that allow you to fine-tune the caching and optimization options for your site to achieve the best possible performance.
What’s New (Changelog) in Swift Performance v2.3.6.16
- [FIX] WordPress 6.4 compatibility fix
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